Statement of Faith
We believe…
in the mystery of our faith that speaks of cocoons and butterflies, bringing hope, promise and rebirth.
We believe…
that God is present in everything and that we are called to be present as God’s light in the world
that we experience God’s saving grace in and through our relationships
that the Spirit is our help on the journey
We believe…
that we are called to action
that our actions have consequences and possibilities
that we plant the seeds and God provides what is necessary for growth
that we must respond to God’s call and there is no room for complacency
that our call involves being the hands and feet of Christ in this place and in our world, reaching out in compassion, love, comfort, and faith.
Our Ministry Team consists of Rev. Catherine Crooks, appointed Minister of Word, Sacrament and Pastoral Care; Chris Bowman, Minister of Music; Tracy Boutilier, Minister of Administration. Together with the congregation they seek to celebrate God’s presence and be the body of Christ in this time and place.
In gathering for worship we incorporate traditions, old and new, and allow the spirit to move in and through us. There is praise, passion, challenge, compassion and fun woven throughout our time together. As we enter into our sacred space we are fed and empowered to move out into the world blessing others as we have been blessed.
The church celebrates its music program, and has had a long history of excellent music-making. We are blessed to have a talented mixed-voice Church Choir, a Handbell Ensemble, the Joyful Noise! choir, soloists and instrumentalists, that provide a varied and dynamic music program. Starting in the Fall of 2023 First United is home to a new youth social justice choir called Resonance. A wide variety of music styles, with hymns from both Voices United and More Voices, as well as many hymns composed by Chris Bowman and Valerie Kingsbury, is incorporated in Sunday morning worship. Service music is supported by the use of a Casavant organ, a Yamaha C7 grand piano, five octaves of Schulmerich Handbells and other instruments. Music and Concert Committee series presents concerts by local and visiting musicians. Annual community highlights include a Candlelight Christmas Concert, our Summer Lunchtime Concert series, a Choirs for Comfort benefit concert involving hundreds of singers of all ages, and other concert offerings.
Our education ministry includes weekly study groups, Men’s Eagle Sunrise Breakfast discussion group, United Church Women groups and groups for crafts and chair yoga. For our youth we offer Sunday School for all ages. Truro Guides and Rangers also meet weekly in Memorial Hall.
Our church is dedicated to outreach, and values meeting its annual commitment to the Mission and Service Fund. Locally we support the Colchester Food Bank, the Christmas Index program, Transition House and a monthly community dinner for those in need. In response to the 2010 earthquake, the congregation led a major community fundraising project which shipped a 40 ft. container full of supplies to Haiti.
Ours is a welcoming congregation and we extend an open invitation those who would like to worship with us, and to take part in any of the programs of the church.
Our History
In 1761 the New England Presbytery Planters arrived in the Truro township and established a congregation. First United Church proudly proclaims this heritage. In establishing their church on the present Robie St. Cemetery site in the late 1760’s, it became the first Presbyterian congregation and church in Canada. Today the Georgian-style building topped by its 143 ft. steeple and its expansive grounds is conspicuously set in the heart of the downtown. It is designated both as a Municipal and Provincial Heritage site. The interior of the sanctuary with its high ceiling and windows, oak wainscoting, paneling and gallery reflect the classical style of the exterior. It is frequently used by the community for concerts of local and visiting artists and for public services.
Church Council
The Church Council consists of an executive and 16 committees, which manages all the administration of the congregation and church programs.
Ministry Team
Appointed Minister of Word, Sacrament and Pastoral Care ~ Rev. Catherine Crooks
Minister of Music ~ Christopher Bowman
Office Administrator ~ Tracy Boutilier
Council Executive
Council Chair ~ Malcolm Macpherson
Vice-Chair of Council ~ Grant Langford
Council Clerk ~ Avis McNutt
Board of Trustees, Chair ~ Alan MacLean