
Donating to First United
PAR – Pre-Authorized Remittance
Church Envelopes
Etransfers: – please provide all information for receipting purposes.
Stop in to the Office for more information.
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Friendly reminder ~ please have your bulletin announcements submitted to the Church Office, in writing, by Thursday mornings at 10 am. Thursdays are Bulletin Day ~ this means limited access to Tracy and the photocopier.
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The Pastoral Care Committee  is requesting assistance from members of the congregation by contacting the Church Office (902-895-8098) if there is someone they know from the congregation who is ill or in hospital.
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Ida’s Cupboard is located off the church parking lot between the doors. Non perishable items, “leave what you can, take what you need.” A community food cupboard for those in need. Appropriate food items: Canned: baked beans, meats (tuna, ham/chicken), stews, soup etc., peanut butter, cheese whiz, kraft dinner, rice, bread, crackers, tin ravioli with pull tops, little boxes of cereal, juice boxes, bottled water. The cupboard is used on a daily basis and if often empty. Please give as you can.
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Fundscrip – Do you shop at Sobeys? Buy gas at Canadian Tire? Dine out? You could be buying Fundscrip Gift Cards from the church to help us raise funds for ongoing programming (and to help pay the bills!) You pay the face value of the card and we get a discount. It costs you nothing extra, but really helps us out! Order forms are available at the back of the church and the church office.  Place your order one week and pick it up the next!
ORDERS are placed on the first Tuesday of each month.

Next Order:  Tuesday, April 1st ~ Order forms and payments are due Thurs., March 27th.  Need more info?  Call Tracy in the Church Office – 902-895-8098.

Don’t want to order?  Purchase cards directly from the Church Office – Sobeys, and Superstore!!  $50 denominations.
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The Food Bank Sunday is last Sunday of the month.   Please remember those in our community who are less fortunate, and give as you can. Items always in need are canned meats & milk, soups, cereals, beans, macaroni, juices, tea and coffee.  Non perishable items may be left in the Food Bank box any Sunday of the month.  Sorry, we are unable to accept monetary donations.
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Change for Change is held the first Sunday of each month (except July & August).  Our Sunday School students collect your pocket change during the service and the money supports a scholarship for girls in Guatemala.

May we hold in our prayers the friends and family of Doug MacKay who died on Wednesday, March 19th.  May all those who mourn be comforted and sustained by God’s love and peace.

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On Sunday, March 30th, we will be holding a Memorial Hymn Sing for that morning’s church service. Thanks to the many people who submitted their favourite hymns!  If you would like to dedicate one of these pieces in honour or memory of someone, please fill out the attached form (which will be available on Sunday mornings and in the church office) and return to the office no later than Tuesday, March 25th.  We look forward to this poignant time together, where we can make a joyful noise, reflect, and remember.

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Spiritual Formation Lenten Series on Wednesday mornings March 26th and April 2nd at 10am.  Rev. Cath will be leading a Lenten Series called “everything [in] between: Meeting God in the midst of extremes.”  Drawing on the scholarship and creativity of A Sanctified Art (visual arts, reflections and poetry for the season of Lent), we will explore together stories from the Gospel of Luke and their implications for our world today.  Please register with the Church Office by Monday, March 10th. Rev. Cath looks forward to welcoming you all.  

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Join Us for Healing Meditations 

Come relax and renew with us on Thursday, March 27th, and April 10th at 10am in the Parlour. Our gentle, heart-centered meditations will focus on healing the body and mind.  Afterward, enjoy conversation and a cup of healing tea! Bring your favorite herbal tea to sip and share — we’d love to hear what makes it special.  All are welcome. Let’s nurture peace, connection, and well-being together.

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Come and join Mike Hicks at 6:30-8 pm every second Monday night in the Parlour for “Wisdom of the Sages”.  March 31st – Nisargadatta Maharaj; April 14th – Father Thomas Keating /Albert Einstein and April 28th – Eckhart Tolle.  Everyone welcome!  There will be a free-will donation jar to help offset the cost of the room rental.

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Our Prayer Angel Ministry:  Each week, the prayer angel request box in the sanctuary is checked and emptied, but we recognize that with the colder weather, some will prefer catching the service online on Sunday morning and so the collection box may be emptier than it would be otherwise.  To that end, if you have a prayer request, you can send it by email to the church office.  Please use the subject line: PRAYER ANGEL REQUEST when you send your email, and it will be sure to get to the right place!

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Fundscrip – Do you shop at Sobeys? Buy gas at Canadian Tire?  Dine out?  You could be buying Fundscrip Gift Cards from the church to help us raise funds to help pay the bills! You pay the face value of the card and we get a discount. It costs you nothing extra, but really helps us out! Order forms are available at the back of the church and the church office.

Place your order one week and pick it up the next!  NEXT ORDER: April 1st – cheques and orders due by Thursday, March 27thNeed more info?  Contact Tracy in the Church Office (902) 895-8098.

Don’t want to order??  Tracy has cards in the office – $50 denominations for Superstore and Sobeys.   Drop in to see her before you go to the store!

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UCW Recycling – This is a reminder that we are continuing to collect donated items to be recycled.  The items we are interested in recycling are as follows:

Eye Glasses and cases are delivered to Vogue Optical, 170 Wade Road across from the Walmart parking lot. They are then sent to Vogue Optical head office in Toronto,  lenses are removed and recycled for those persons who are unable to purchase glasses.  Prescriptions are matched to individuals as closely as possible.

Used postage stamps are collected, trimmed to one quarter inch border and mailed to the Canadian Bible Society in Toronto where they are sorted, packaged in clear envelopes, sold in their gift shop with proceeds going towards the printing of new Bibles.

Pop Can Tabs are collected in the church hall or in the sanctuary and delivered to Gary Bishop in Onslow who delivers them to a business in Halifax, melted down and used in the manufacturing of wheel chairs.

There are baskets/containers for these donations located on the window sill at the back of the sanctuary on the west side or Lorne Street side of the church.

            – Judy Hickman and Sharon Richards



Canadian Blood Services – A Blood Donor Clinic is being held at Best Western Truro; Wednesday, April 2nd (12-3pm & 5-8pm); and Thursday, April 3rd (12-3pm & 5-8pm).  New Donors are always welcome!   Visit or download our giveblood app.  Blood, it’s in you to give!