
Friendly reminder ~ please have your bulletin announcements submitted to the Church Office, in writing, by Thursday mornings at 10 am. Thursdays are Bulletin Day ~ this means limited access to Tracy and the photocopier!!
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The Pastoral Care Committee  is requesting assistance from members of the congregation by contacting the Church Office (902-895-8098) if there is someone they know from the congregation who is ill or in hospital.
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Ida’s Cupboard is located off the church parking lot between the doors. Non perishable items, “leave what you can, take what you need.” A community food cupboard for those in need. Appropriate food items: Canned: baked beans, meats (tuna, ham/chicken), stews, soup etc., peanut butter, cheese whiz, kraft dinner, rice, bread, crackers, tin ravioli with pull tops, little boxes of cereal, juice boxes, bottled water. The cupboard is used on a daily basis and if often empty. Please give as you can.
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Fundscrip – Do you shop at Sobeys? Buy gas at Canadian Tire? Dine out? You could be buying Fundscrip Gift Cards from the church to help us raise funds for ongoing programming (and to help pay the bills!) You pay the face value of the card and we get a discount. It costs you nothing extra, but really helps us out! Order forms are available at the back of the church and the church office.  Place your order one week and pick it up the next!
ORDERS are placed on the first Tuesday of each month.

Next Order:  Tuesday, December 3rd ~ Order Forms and payments are due Thursday, November  28th.    Need more info?  Call Tracy in the Church Office – 902-895-8098.

Don’t want to order?  Purchase cards directly from the Church Office – Sobeys, and Superstore!!  $50 denominations.
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The Food Bank Sunday is last Sunday of the month.   Please remember those in our community who are less fortunate, and give as you can. Items always in need are canned meats & milk, soups, cereals, beans, macaroni, juices, tea and coffee.  Non perishable items may be left in the Food Bank box any Sunday of the month.  Sorry, we are unable to accept monetary donations.
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Change for Change is held the first Sunday of each month (except July & August).  Our Sunday School students collect your pocket change during the service and the money supports a scholarship for girls in Guatemala.

The two wreaths on the front doors are placed by Leland & Judy MacLean, in loving memory of Rev. George and Norma MacLean.
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Upcoming Worship Services
December 8th Second Sunday of Advent 10:30am – Giving Sunday
December 15th Third Sunday of Advent 10:30am – Story and Song
December 22nd Fourth Sunday of Advent 10:30am
December 24th Christmas Eve 
       7pm – Worship for all ages
     10pm – Candlelight Communion
December 29th First Sunday of Christmas 10:30am – Celebration continues
January 5th Epiphany Sunday 10:30am – Sacrament of Communion
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Our Memory Tree – Remember someone this season with a star on our Memory Tree.  Drop off your donation and a photo of your loved one (if you wish) to Tracy in the Office. 
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Cookie Sale – Pick Up is after church on Sunday December 8th at the Mini Market (see announcement below).  We are looking for bakers for our Cookie sale… please contact Ann MacCormack at 902-895-6936.
Mini Market on Sunday, December 8th – Craft and handmade items for sale.  Are you looking to sell some of your handmade crafts?  Then this mini market it for you… 
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Upcoming Concerts:
Sat., Dec. 7, 7pm – Candlelight Christmas Concert
Sat., Dec. 14, 7pm – Cantabile Singers and Cantabile Children’s Choir “An Olde English Christmas”
Tues., Dec. 17, 7pm – Brenna Conrad’s Voice Studio Christmas Concert
Fri., Dec. 20, 7pm – Brigid “Christmas Blessings” Tour
Sat., Dec 21, 3pm – Creative Voices presents “Our Christmas Story”
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2025 Church Envelopes are now available at the back of the Sanctuary.  If you are able to help deliver a box or two that would be greatly appreciated.
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2025 United Church Calendars are now available from the church office $10 each, limited number available.
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Meditation – Thursday, December 5th in the Parlour (and Thursday, December 12th in the Sanctuary) with Honorah Shepphard, Meditation Practitioner and Teacher, also trained in Mindfulness, Based Stress Reduction.  All are welcome!  Please register with the office.
From the Wider Community…
Canadian Blood Services – A Blood Donor Clinic is being held at Best Western Truro; Tuesday, December 3rd 4:30pm-8:30pm; Wednesday, December 4th (12-3pm & 5-8pm); and Thursday, December 5th (12-3pm & 5-8pm).  New Donors are always welcome!   Visit or download our giveblood app.  Blood, it’s in you to give!
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